I am a taxi driver. Have trip in Yerevan at night and you will see who are the owners of the city at night. They are prostitutes and the sutinyors especially from the regions. You will have the expression that we all are prostitutes and sutinyors. Where is our honor? Where does the power look? I will not speak about the Police because there is possibility that I will be guilty for something suddenly. We like to guilt the communists that they were atheists and Satan. It is better to have atheist and moral country than the country unmoral but with the God. My heart is harmed and I am sorry. Instead of showing serials for hours and instead of preaching unhappy happiness and broken love, show how do the entries of the buildings of the city smell in the absence of WCs and how the prostitutes own the city at night.
Few years ago a man applied to our office asking to help his “sister” who was in prison in neighbor country and promised huge amount of money. It turned out that as a result of “productive work” of so called “sister” many young girls including under 18 from our country and neighbor countries were exported to the eastern countries who were promised to work as waitresses and translators but were forced to be prostitutes. I will mention immediately that this conduct is criminally liable action and is convicted to the imprisonment for the following time periods: -5 to 10 years; - 7-12 years to the minors committed by a person by abuse of official position or by group of people; 12-15 years - by an organized group. (Article 1321 of the Criminal Code of RA) Prostitution is considered to be one of the most ancient professions in the world. Who are they: Prostitutes or the solvers of survival who became unemployed? According to some data 357 prostitutes were fined in Armenia this year. Almost the half of them had venereal diseases. Even according to the mildest calculations the prostitutes circulate nearly half milliard dollars per year. Prostitution is beneficial activity but it is not possible to govern it in financial or health fields. But the fact is that some milliards go to the pockets of some individuals by this activity. In the absence of the supervision of the relevant state authority body concerning the hygienic conditions and in case of serving minimum 5-7 consumers per day it is absurd to speak about the work conditions of prostitutes, the hygiene or health. This profession which has come from the ancient world and coalesced with current public order is real treatment for the security of the country for the following reasons: - huge amount of money are circulated without being taxed and such amounts can be coordinated by criminal tribes; - in the absence of supervisor state authority body the prostitutes work in conditions like slavery, become disabled soon and fill the rows of unemployed people; - Huge amounts do not go to the state budget which could be invested in health programs and in anti prostitution struggle. So, it is needed: - to legalize the prostitution; - not alienate them from our society; - accept it as a problem coming from the ancient world and which demands the solution; - try to understand the reasons of becoming prostitutes and being alienated from society by unmoral activity and exclude such reasons; Help them by realizing that the God is inside them.