BUY A LOTTERY TICKET AT LEAST ‘I am 53 years old and have no family. I cannot even imagine how I would have managed to care about my family if I am not able to care even about me. I do not work. I get subsidy by state and my relatives help. Why should one get milliards while the other has not even money for bread? Where is the justice? Maybe the God is with powerful ones?
Suro, (Muli), Yerevan The question is not so real how it is psychological-philosophical one. As I know Suren and personally and people who think like him, I will answer this question with a parable. Some person was in bad situation. He was praying to the God asking some money. He was praying one day, one week, one month, one year but he was still without money. One day he was upset and turned to the God, ”I pray days and nights but you do not listen to me. The rich get richer and the poor stay poor.” He slept at night and saw a dream. The God had sent his angel to him in the dream who said, “Do something. Do a lottery ticket at least”. I guess the reader will not consider the offer to buy a lottery ticket seriously but should consider the ability to work, to create, to compose something which is grace given by God and which should be used for the people’s welfare.