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The most actual theme of the last days can be considered the murder attempt against the leader of the NSD and the presidential candidate for the RA Paruyr Hayrikyan. The public is shocked as a result of the committed crime. The public is interested not only in the health of Mr. Hayrikyan but also what actions are taken to discover the crime. And finally, the public wonders whether the presidential candidate will apply to the Constitutional Court of RA for delaying the elections or assigning new elections.

As a representative of Pruyr Hayrikyan’s interests in a criminal case, I inform you that a criminal case has been instituted based on the features of the Articles 34 and 305 of the Criminal Code of RA on 31st of January of 2013 as a result of murder attempt committed against the leader of the NSD and the candidate for the RA president Paruyr Hayrikyan. Operative investigation actions are taken within this criminal case. Ballistic, forensic, fingerprint and other types of expertise have been assigned. Paruyr Hayrikyan is recognized as a victim within this criminal case on 01.02.2013 based on the state authority body’s decision.

Despite the fact that in this situation the Legislative allows my constituent to apply to the Constitutional Court based on the fact that should one of the presidential candidates face insurmountable obstacles, the election of the President of the Republic shall be postponed for two weeks, in the event that the obstacles recognized as insurmountable are not eliminated within the aforementioned period of time a new election shall be appointed, but the same Legislative has not defined the borders of the insurmountable obstacles.  In this case the one who should decide and has a right to final decision is the presidential candidate but knowing the latter I can surely say that after his decision the scales will go in honor to the state. These are not just words of an advocate which represents the interests of the latter and realize legal functions in honor to him. These are the words of RA citizen for whom it is already obvious that the bearer and developer of the ideas of self-determination, freedom and state has no alternative.

There is a wrong perception among many people that the idea of freedom is incompatible with Christianity as there is no connection between it and the binding condition of the Christianity-obedience. But… The ideas of freedom, living free and self determination rise when current person lives in the community and with the community. The famous hero Robinson Cruzo did not live not only in freedom but also the latter had a problem of existing as he lived out of the community.

So, it should be articulated that the God has created our planet as well as the laws of the Heaven which main provisions are stipulated in the Constitution of the Heaven, that is, in the commandments of the Bible. Hence, being obedient and the idea of freedom are directly comparative to each other as being obedient means to be law-abiding, obedient to the law and to obey the law.

The concepts of law and right were accepted as the same (Roman Law). The privilege and the importance of the Christianity is that it has accepted the rule of law towards the laws. That is, the right is a reality articulated in the Heaven, while a law is on the paper. And if what is on the paper is not corresponded to what is on the Heaven then the law will stay on the paper in the best case and will become destroyable power in the worst case.

I think that the History has shown that the Soviet Union particularly and the ideology of communism generally, has not corresponded their written laws to the rights which have been in the Heaven and as a result they has become destroyable power for both the humanity and the state. I think that it is the reason that Paruyr Hayrikyan being a young guy just entered into the life has not only perceived that formula but also realized that the law is a science about kindness and justice and that it is hard to rule the world right without the God and the Bible. He has struggled and struggles for the national self-determination and development of national statehood.

The one who has tried to deprive the soldier of freedom from life secretly and silently from the back and damage the security and freedom of the state which integrates despite of its defects and mistakes and which is going to serve an example by its God for the world as the best model of free, just and powerful,   the one who  has tried to destroy such important operation as presidential elections, has probably adopted the famous words of Dostayevsky: “If there is no God, then everything is allowed”.

Fortunately, there is God and that is why the ones who has adopted divine path are fearless as nothing treats them. For the governor who governs the state according to the Bible and for the people who lives with commandments of the Bible will have exemplary free, just and powerful Armenia, the main pillar of which must be free and fair presidential elections unprecedented in the region. Such elections will take place in opposition to those who do not want it. And the governor elected as a result of such elections will be the bearer and developer of such ideas.