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During all my conscious life, I dedicated myself to teaching. I worked at school, later in people’s educational department of executive committee. With a heavy heart I have to declare that the concentrated program that was developed and used during USSR years in kindergartens, schools, institutes is not  applied today. Now it bears a name “market relations” and the sphere of education was converted into business and market. Today education is not free, whereas the right for education is not enjoyed by everybody. Yet, the country requires educated generation. Why does the state not regulate the sphere of education for everybody to enjoy it freely? Should you enter any kindergarten, school, institute you will witness the corrupted system existing in the mentioned spheres.


- I myself wish to believe the fact that during USSR period the educational system was considered to be the best one and USSR citizens who used to be well-read and developed and the specialists used to be the most perfect and skillful, as citizens having experienced USSR educational system.

The educational system, particularly schools and institutes are subject to improvements to the extent that one cannot enter institutes based on school curriculum, whereas upon graduation from the institute you are unable to work by your profession. To say that education is free but the educational right is not enjoyed by everybody, is the result of ignorance of the acting law.

In accordance with Article 39 of RA Main Law, everyone has the right for education. Moreover, Secondary Education is free on the entire territory of the Republic of Armenia. Chargeable educational institutions also operate under law. The Legislation enables each citizen to receive free education in state higher educational establishment on competitive basis.

As a comparison I wish to mention that there are places in such a powerful country as USA where there are no institutes and schools.

As for the disgraceful condition in higher educational establishment and schools, RA applicable laws and legal acts are sufficient to eradicate certain morals existing since USSR years. A number of schools and higher educational institutes operating in Armenia will do honor to any developed state with their educational level and non-corrupted system. It is necessary to know that the authorized body of state management of education is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia.

Basics laws about education, preschool education, preliminary professional (craftsmanship) and secondary professional education, state inspectorate of education, education for people requiring special education, as well as criminal, political, labour codes maintain the entire educational sphere in comprehensive legal field. It is necessary to apply dictatorship of law directed at having educated generation and an educational high-quality system.