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Dear, “Iravunk” newspaper, I wish to express my gratitude to you and all the mass media which highlighted the competition events of football combined team. These days the entire Armenians shout for their favourite team. Each of them deserves praises. I wish to express my special thanks to the senior referee of the team Vardan Minasyan. Due to his immediate efforts we have this team which brings us honor. But the events that happened during Ireland-Armenia game, the unjust arbitration which was done by a senior referee of the game, will remain on his conscience. I wish to clarify if the arbitration error which was done during the game which was of essential significance and affected the game process, as well as the serious consequences it caused, is a penal action.

Samvel, Yerevan city.

Dear, Samvel

The stereotypes about the Armenians that we, being individualities, are not united, gradually vanish.

First of all, it is the combined team of chess of our country which thanks to unity and team game, the Armenian Combined Team became the first world combined team of a wise game by leaving behind such super powerful countries as China, Russia, USA and Israel…

Some may think that it is a contingency, but the football combined team of Armenia proved that Armenians are not only individualities, who show themselves to the world as individuals in any field, although for other countries, but also having already a state and being a part and bearer of the given state show themselves already united in their country.

They are the first swallows, tomorrow we will jointly overcome domestic and foreign difficulties. The earlier we realize that our power is in our unity, the easier it will be to live.

What concerns the referee’s error of Ireland-Armenia game which caused grave consequences, then the corpus delicti is missing, but if the gross error of the referee is proved by the UEFA charter, certain administrative penalties will be applied to the given referee up to disqualification.