I had a small business in one of the communities some years ago when in Yerevan city there were communities. One morning one of the workers informed me that somebody broke the window and stole the assets of the company. By that time I was at doctor’s. I asked the worker to call to the Police. I was able to get to the place of crime only at afternoon. The policeman of the community told me that he suspends that I am guilty in created crime because even knowing what had happened I got there only 4 hours later. Then he asked the worker to refuse the announcement about the crime and promised to discover the crime. LENA, Yerevan (the name is changed)
Something was stolen from the house at night. The criminal exactly knew the place of money and without moving the things in the house had taken the money and left. In the morning when I found that the robbery was done I called to the Police. Some people in uniforms and some in civil cloths arrived to my house, examined it very impolitely and roughly and then they called me and my wife to police department. We have given explanations for a few hours. What I have done next in order to escape to be judged for something that I had not done is another story. ARSEN, Yerevan
During USSR years (old generation of policemen will probably remember) one of Yerevan streets belonged to one administrative region and the sidewalk of the same street belonged to another administrative region. One morning a corpse was found in that street. Half of the corpse was on the sidewalk and the other part was in the street. The policemen of two administrative regions were struggling for not discovering the crime but each of them tried to escape to register that crime in their administrative region up to demanding from each other, ”Take care of your corpse”. It is obvious that the Police needs to be reformed and the best model for that in this region could be the Police of Georgia. For me in this field it becomes more important human factor of policeman and his/her professionalism. Law-abiding citizen wants to see policeman as the one who will protect him from criminal offenses and will be able to listen to different types of people and at the same time feel himself as the owner of the situation. The connection between policeman and people should be co-connected. The policeman should realize that he gets a salary from the taxes paid by citizens and the people should be sure that this state authority body guarantees their right to life, right to health, freedoms and lawful interests from criminal and unlawful violations. It is also time to have private detective’s institution (there is no relevant law yet) without which it is impossible maximally reveal the crimes. Moreover, the policemen will not be overloaded with different problems and a person may decide himself to whom trust the solution of his problems. There are many complaints about the actions and non-action of policemen. The abovementioned facts once more prove what kind of inheritance had got authority bodies that have responsibility to cure this body. At the same time we would like to mention that in honor to high professionalism of policemen Armenia escaped of collisions unlike to our neighbors during the collapse of USSR. And the only professional body which was able to protect state’s internal and external security in centralized manner during struggle years before creation of RA army was the Police which realized that mission very well. Nowadays we entered in such stage that the society needs such police that would protect the lives and health of citizens and their rights and freedoms. The Police is under obligation by law not only to protect rights to life and to health and lawful interests of citizens from criminal and unlawful violations but also it is under obligation to prevent and stop the crimes and administrative offenses. The power of Police is not enough in this field. Here is the need to cooperation between state authority bodies and non-state bodies with Police which is possible only by centralized program of Police. And what is more important is that how professional and humanitarian was the policeman and how the authority bodies tried to reform the system they still the portrait of the country and at the same time by their service they often look into the death’s eyes. So, it is needed that the policeman by going to serve was sure that his family’s social problems are solved and his life is insured by law.