Dear readers, I have traveled all over the world and there is no place that I have not been. I and my friend after 40 years absence came to Armenia where I was born but since the early childhood I was transferred to Canada. The natural marvels that I saw here I have not seen anywhere else. I think that the God have created the nature of Armenia with great love. It has become common for you as you get up and see this wonderful nature every day. It is sorry that everything is in the dirt and garbage (especially Yerevan) which is not appropriate for you. But the question is the following: We have left 160.000 AMD on the table of our room of the hotel in Jermuk after taking 23,000 AMD with us when we were leaving the room in the morning. The money we have cashed from one of the banks of that city we have left on the table as there was no cashier in that room. When we came back at lunch we found out that the money was not there but the remaining things were at place. We informed the manager of the hotel about the happened immediately but he told that they bare no responsibility for that money and he could only invite a detective who would have managed the solution of the issue if we wanted. I called to my attorney in Canadaand got advice. Taking into account the amount of the sum and those worrying that I would have taken concerning the investigation and the fact that my attorney was far from me, I refused. Now I would like to know whether the manager was right that he had not compensate me. I am a lawyer-expert of state agency. My friend who is Jew by nationality and with whom I work in Canada, has informed me before coming to Armenia that according to ancient evidence Armenia is considered to be the place where was the Paradise. I was convinced in that after seeing Armenia. Thanks in advance. I will pray for welfare of Armenia and Armenians. EDGAR SAPONJYAN
Dear Edgar Concerning the dirt and garbage it should be mentioned that in civil countries including Canada such issues connected to the cleaning of living places are solvable by laws. As far as the one who tries to make a garbage in the street is fined and in the case of not paying the fee he or she is forced to clean the garbage from the street public becomes more careful to that issue and each member of the public not only are able to do the same anymore but in addition everybody is ready to stop the one who will try to pollute his/her native city. Let’s hope that such legal norm will be here soon too. Concerning the financial loss, you should know! Even if the hotel as a keeper is responsible for your personal things but the responsibility does not include money or other valuable things. The hotel would be responsible for your loss only in that case if you gave it to the security of the hotel to keep it in special place and it does not matter the place is in your room or in other place. The same legal norm is applicable for the motels, resorts, bathrooms and other places.