It is going to be National Assembly’s elections in May. Don’t you think that for such country as Armenia there is no need of National Assembly. It is extravagance to keep 131 deputies, the Staff, pay salary etc. Which is their work except winding up or solving their personal problems. VAHAGN
According to the formal evidence there are parliaments nearly in 130 countries of the world. The Senat is in the USA, the Bundestag is in Germany, in neighbor Turkey is Mili Mejlis, in Bangladesh it is Parliament, in Armenia it is National Assembly etc. The number of deputies which is stipulated by law I think is twice exceed the needed number but… Generally our legislative body has done and does great work for sustainable development. Both in previous and in present we have had deputies which are honorable for each parliament. Today our country needs plural political parties full of life experience, individuals politically sustainable and having national judgment. The start of the campaign is announced. Not taking account my political views it should be mentioned that the state authority bodies beginning from the Central Electoral Committee finishing by Police bodies are so open and impartial than they have been never. Concerning the uncertainties in electoral lists, you should know that each of you should check them before the elections and in case of mistakes present such information to the state authority body in order to correct the mistake before the day of elections. Concerning the campaign of political parties it should be noted that unfortunately there is no internal culture of respecting each other as a result of which the victim is the voter. You should know!
Welcome, future deputies. I wish you to be the worthiest.