There are many calls concerning the quashing of the results of the elections of municipal self-government bodies (mainly the governor of the community). After the elections the regional electoral commissions make one of the following decisions:
The governor of the community is considered the candidate who has received the highest number of votes of those who are eligible to vote. If there are more than one candidates that have received equally maximum number of votes then in order to decide who will be considered as elected a lot is held between them. If it is possible to correct the violations by that mean then re-election is held in separate electoral stations. In cases when the only candidate has not received the votes of the half of the eligible voters then the elections are considered failed according to the law. The decision of the regional electoral commission about the results of the elections can be quashed in judicial order but… it is not self-aimed. Moreover, the violations before and during the elections should have impacted the results of the elections essentially, otherwise the action would be no sense and groundless.