- During the patriotic war my mother was a participant of Leningrad blockage. After the war she studied, later she held high posts and was awarded with state awards and decorations including numerous service medals and badges. Two years ago she died suddenly. I went to the Notary’s office so as to accept my inheritance. I provided information about the real property and produced the state awards, decorations and anniversary service medals and badges. The notary public informed me that I had no right to inherit all the state awards, medals and decorations, as well as the anniversary badges. Is that really so?
Tanya from Yerevan State awards and decorations which were then awarded to your mother are not included in the inheritance in conformity with the law. Under this legal norm the Legislation stipulates that state awards and decorations granted by the state are not inheritable. Therefore, the information provided by the notary public was true. In the matter of the service medals and other badges, which were then awarded or granted to your mother, then they are included in the inheritance and are inheritable. It is necessary to know.
In the event of death of the awarded person, all the state awards and their certificates can be kept as a memory with the heirs or granted to the museums by the latters’ consent. State awards are handed over to the museum with the knowledge of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Armenia.
In case the awarded person does not have any heirs, after his or her death all the state awards and their certificates are returned to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Armenia in compliance with Article 17 of Law “On State Awards”.